English Revision Question Bank

Section A (Reading Comprehension)
 1. Read the following passage carefully.
 The Taj Mahal is a very beautiful historical monument of India. It was built in the seventeenth century by the Mughal emperor, Shah Jahan, in the memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal, whom he loved much. He was very upset by her death, and so he built the Taj Mahal in her memory. He spent lots of money and employed several people. He saw the Taj Mahal daily from his Agra fort and remembered his wife. TheTaj Mahal is located in the city of Agra in the state of Uttar Pradesh. It is built on a very large and wide area. It is one of the seven most beautiful buildings all over the world. It is one of the most attractive tourist destinations in India where thousands of tourists come every year.
Now answer the following questions:
1.1 Tick the correct option:
 (a) The Taj Mahal is a very beautiful _______________.
(i) residential building (ii) historical monument (iii) vegetable garden
(b) The Taj Mahal was built in the _______________.
 (i) twentieth century (ii) fourteenth century (iii) seventeenth century
 (c) The Taj Mahal was built in the memory of Shah Jahan’s _______________. (i) wife (ii) sister (iii) mother
(d) State if the following statements are true or false.
Shah Jahan was very upset by the death of Mumtaz Mahal. ____________
 2. Read the passage given below.
 Mrs. White’s grandfather lived with her. Every morning he went for a walk in the park and came home at half past twelve for lunch. One morning a police car stopped outside Mrs. White’s house at twelve o’clock and the policeman helped Mrs. White’s grandfather to get out. One of them said to Mrs. White, “The poor old gentleman lost his way in the park and telephoned us for help. So a car was sent to bring him home.” Mrs. White was very surprised, but she thanked the policemen and they left. “Grandfather, you have been to that park nearly every day for twenty years. How did you lose your way there?” The old man smiled, closed one eye and said, “I didn’t quite lose my way. I just got tired and I didn’t want to walk home!”
Answer the questions that follow:
2.1 Tick the correct option:
 (a) Every morning Mrs. White’s grandfather went for a walk in the ____________. (i) garden (ii) riverside (iii) park
(b) One morning a police car stopped outside Mrs. White’s house at _____ o’clock.
 (i) eleven (ii) twelve (iii) one
 2.2 Write whether the following statement is true or false: Mrs. White’s grandfather called the policeman for help because he was feeling sick. _____________
 2.3 Tick the correct option for the meaning of the words given below:
 (a) poor (Paragraph 2) (i) needy (ii) rich (iii) healthy (b) surprised (Paragraph 3) (i) happy (ii) shocked (iii) sad
 Section B (Writing and Grammar)

 Q. III Write the key idea and three supporting ideas from the given passage:
Spiders are arachnids, not insects. They have eight legs and two body parts. Insects have six legs and three body parts. Spiders do not have wings like most insects do. Spiders do not have antennae. To catch their food, most spiders spin webs. They trap their food in their web. Spiders wrap their food in silk to keep it in the web. Key idea: _______________________________________________________ Supporting detail: _________________________________________________ Supporting detail: _________________________________________________ Supporting detail: _________________________________________________
Q. IV Describe your neighbour using the following pointers: 
 Where does he/she live?
 How does he/she look?
  How old is he/she?
 When do you meet him/her?
 How do you interect with each other?
 Q. VII Do as directed
 1) I went to Domino’s Pizza with my friends. (Identify the common noun.)
(a) Domino’s Pizza (b) went (c) friends
2) Last evening we watched the movie ‘The Jungle Book’. (Identify the proper noun.) (a) watched (b) movie (c) The Jungle Book
3) A _____________ of geese flew over the lake.
(Fill in the blank with the correct collective noun.)
 (a) flock (b) herd (c) troop
One and Many
 1) The correct plural form of baby is : (a) babys (b) babyes (c) babies
 2) There are two mice under the bed.
 (Choose the opposite form of number of the underlined noun.)
(a) Mices (b) Mouse (c) Micies
 3) My parents bought four (dress) for me. (Choose the correct plural form of the noun in the brackets.)
(a) dress (b) dreses (c) dresses
 1) My nephew is very adorable. (Choose the opposite form of gender of the underlined noun.)
 (a) nephie (b) niece (c) niese
2) King Arthur pulled out the sword. (Identify the gender of the underlined noun.)
 (a) masculine (b) feminine (c) common
3) The gardener is digging the garden with the shovel. (identify the gender of the underlined noun.) (a) neuter (b) common (c) masculine
 Pronouns 1) Rakhi and _________ went to the museum yesterday. (Choose the correct pronoun to fill in the blank.)
 (a) me (b) us (c) I
 2) My sister and my mother set the table for dinner. (Choose the correct pronoun to replace the underlined words.)
 (a) They (b) Us (c)We
  3) __________ are playing in the park. (Choose the correct pronoun to fill in the blank.)
 (a) Her (b) Us (c) We
 Articles 1) My father will come back within _________ hour. (Fill in the blank with the correct article.) (a) a (b) an (c) the
 2) Mr. Pranab Mukherjee is _________ President of India. (Fill in the blank with the correct article.) (a) a (b) an (c) the
 3) I saw _________ big ship sailing in the sea. (Fill in the blank with the correct article.)
 (a) a (b) an (c) the
 Homophones Tick the correct homophones to complete the sentence.
 1) The garden is full of beautiful and colourful _________________.
 (a) flours (b) flowers (c) floors
 2) My mother has very long and black _____________.
 (a) hair (b) hare (c) air 3) Our school starts at _____________ thirty in the morning.
 (a) ate (b) at (c) eight
 Section C (Literature)
 Q. VIII Answer the following questions by choosing from the options given below:
 Prose: The Wicked Barber’s Plight (EE)
 1) Akbar was the _____________ Mughal Emperor.
 (a) third (b) fourth (c) second
 2) ________________ jealous of Birbal.
 (a) Akbar was (b) Birbal’s wife was (c) A group of ministers in Akbar’s court were
 Prose: The Mice that Ate Iron (EE)
 1) Naduk was a _____________.
 (a) poor man (b) popular teacher (c) rich merchant
 2) ____________ gave Naduk the iron chest.
 (a) The King (b) His ancestors (c) His friend Laxman
 Poem: Books (EE)
 1) The books give the poet ______________.
 (a) joy and comfort (b) hard work (c) sorrow
 2) ______________ are the poet’s best companions.
 (a) friends (b) books (c) cousins
 Birds at Play (EE)
 1) The poet sees the little birds chirping _____________.
 (a) in the evening (b) one early morning (c) in the afternoon
 2) The little birds are calling their friends to _______________.
 (a) fly (b) sing (c) play
 Reader: A Man Named Ashisht (TT)
 1) Ashisht reached ______________ after leaving the ashram.
 (a) a village (b) a big city (c) another ashram
 2) The man was shouting at the girl because she _____________________.
 (a) did not return his money (b) stole food from his shop (c) was not going to school
 Reader: Reader: Who is Wiser? 1) Verywise suggested Wise to take advice from ________________. (a) his father (b) the sacred tree
 (c) the judge
 2) Wise __________________ to know the truth of the tree.
 (a) set fire in the hollow of the tree. (b) cut the tree. (c) shook the tree.
 Q. IX Choose the correct option and fill in the blank.
 Prose: The Wicked Barber’s Plight (EE)
 1) The Emperor Akbar wanted to know about the well being of his ____________.
 (a) family (b) ancestors (c) ministers
 2) Birbal built a ____________ from the burial ground to his home.
 (a) tunnel (b) road (c) track
 Prose: The Mice that Ate Iron (EE)
 1) Laxman welcomed Naduk __________ when he came to meet him after many years.
 (a) angrily (b) sadly (c) warmly
 2) According to Naduk, ___________ swooped down and carried off Ramu.
 (a) a dragon (b) a hawk (c) a vulture
 Poem: Books (EE)
 1) Books are unlike ________ that sometimes break.
 (a) toys (b) plates (c) chairs
 2) After opening a book, our world will fill with ______________.
 (a) love (b) brightness (c) friends
 Birds at Play (EE)
 1) The _______________ was filled with cold water.
 (a) garden pool (b) river (c) puddle
 2) The birds sing ____________.
 (a) sadly (b) sorrowfully (c) delightfully
 Reader: A Man Named Ashisht (TT)
 1) The name of the dead man was ______________. (a) Mrith (b) Jeevit (c) Dhani
 2) Ashisht helped ___________________ to reach his destination.
 (a) Nirdhan (b) Mrith (c) Margdarshak
 Reader: Who is Wiser? (TT)
 Wise and Verywise took ___________hundred bullock carts in the caravan.
 (a) five (b) six (c) seven Wise started trading in watches and ______________.
 (a) clothes (b) jewellery (c) clocks
 Q. X Match the columns.
 A  1) There was no barber in the heaven so
 B. wanted to give the gift that he brought for him
A2Naduk took Laxman’s son with him because
 Bb) is a wonderful sight for the poet
A 3) A book is like a door because
B(c) Birbal was forced to grow a beard during his short stay there
A4) To see the birds fly in the blue sky
B(d) it takes us to an unseen land
 The Wicked Barber’s Plight (EE)
 The Mice that Ate Iron (EE)
 Books (EE) Birds at Play (EE)
 Q. XI Complete the following sentences.
 Prose: The Wicked Barber’s Plight (EE)
 1) (a) Akbar was furious with the barber because __________.
 (b) Akbar punished the barber and the wicked courtiers because _________.
 Prose: The Mice that Ate Iron (EE)
 2) (a) Naduk decided to leave the town and try his luck in a new place because _________________________________________________________.
 (b) According to Laxman, he could not return the iron chest to Naduk because _________________________________________________________.
 Poem: Books (EE)
 3) (a) The darkness is scattered when __________________________________.
 (b) Books are unlike those friends who _______________________________.
 Birds at Play (EE)
 4) (a) The birds seem to tell their friends to play when ______________.
 (b) The birdies were chirping by ___________.
 Reader: A Man Named Ashisht
 5) (a) Ashist was unhappy with his name because______________.
 (b) At last Ashisht did not change his name because _____________________.
 Reader: Who is Wiser?
 6) (a) Wise and Verywise decided to start a new business so ________________.
 (b) Verywise asked for double profit because ___________________________.
 Section D (Symphonics)
 10. Though Symphonics is not given in this Question Bank, it will be tested in the paper.
