Cycle Test-1 Syllabus

Term I –Cycle1

Name of the Chapters & Internal Assessments

1.    Prose: The Wicked Barber’s Plight

2.    Grammar: Nouns

3.    Composition: Comprehension 1

4.    Poem: Books

5.    Grammar: One and Many

6.    Practice Sheet 1

7.    Composition: Picture Comprehension

8.    SR: A Man Named Ashisht (Bad)

9.    Grammar: Gender

10. Practice Sheet 2

11. IA: Listening 1_Comprehension

12. Symphonics: More alternates of vowels

13. Composition: Key Ideas

14. Prose: The Mice that Ate Iron

15. Grammar: Pronouns

16. Practice Sheet 3

17. Composition: Comprehension 2

18. Grammar: Articles

19. IA: Speaking 1:Recitation

20. IA: Reading 1:Pronunciation Fluency

21. Revision Question Bank 1

Term I - Cycle Test 1

Name of the Chapters & Internal Assessments

v  Ch.8: Inside the Earth

v  IA: Activity 1 (Inside the Earth)

v  Ch.1: Living and Non living

v  Ch.9: Maps and Globes

v  IA: Worksheet 1

v  Ch.2: An Animal Food Court

v  Question Bank 1

v  IA: Revision Test 1

Term I –Cycle1
Name of the Chapters &Internal Assessments

1.    पाठ -मिट्ठू

2.    कविता-वर्षा

3.    व्याकरण - भाषा

4.    जानकारी - गिनती१से२०तक (शब्दोंतथाअंकोंमें)

5.    व्याकरण - वर्ण

6.    Practice Sheet 1

7.    IA: Listening Comprehension 1 (जोकर)

8.    रचना - अनुच्छेदलेखन

9.    व्याकरण - मात्राएँ

10. IA : Speaking 1 (Recitation)

11. पाठ - मैंपेड़हूँ

12. लहर - प्रयत्न ही सफलता का मार्ग

13. रचना - कहानीलेखन

14. IA : Reading 1 (Pronunciation & Fluency

15. Revision Question Bank

IA: Handwriting to be assessed regularly

Term I – Cycle 1
Name of the Chapters & Internal Assessments

1.      Chapter 1: Numbers

2.      Chapter 2: Roman Numerals

3.      Chapter 3: Addition

4.      IA: Math lab Assessment – 1(Addition)

5.      IA: Mental Math Assessment - 1

6.      IA: Revision Test – 1

Term I – Cycle 1
Name of the Chapters & Internal Assessments

·         Ch1: Know Your Computer

·         Ch2: Logical Thinking

·         Ch3: Introduction to Scratch
